Located in the Heart of Wood River

We are a vibrant community of believers who delight in being together, serving together, and worshiping together. We ask deep questions. We discover new depths of meaning. And we proclaim the love of Christ in everything we do.

Our Story - God's Story

In 1916, a handful of families joined together to raise a new generation to know and follow Jesus. Today hundreds of families continue to make that dream a reality. We share God's story in our our neighborhoods, backyards, homes, businesses and throughout the world. From generation to generation, we are a people living out the faith of Jesus Christ as boldly as possible.

Our Beliefs 

As Christians, we teach and live out the message of Jesus.  We believe God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) created and loves us, not because we have done anything to earn that love but because He simply loves us. Although we have all sinned, God loves us deeply and wants to have a right relationship with us. He made that love known to us through the life, death on the cross, and resurrection of Jesus. Through this act of love, God gives us the gift of salvation by grace, through faith in Christ. This is the central message of the Bible.
